Literature Discussion Questions
- Analyze the use of propaganda by the Nazis.
- Evaluate the continuing role of the mass media and propaganda in Nazi Germany.
- During Hitlers rise to power, the media was influential in shaping his image and influencing the country. Examine the role of the German media during World War II.
- The Diary of Anne Frank is one of the most popular pieces of Holocaust literature ever written. Examine how Anne FrankÆs diary came to be published.
- Compare and contrast a writing of Primo Levi to Elie Wiesel and examine how the two men view life and their experiences during the Holocaust.
- Many Jewish families in Germany had roots in their towns and villages for generations. Research the contributions of German Jews to their country through the literary arts. To narrow your research, focus on a particular genre or historical period.
- Research and read testimony of women in the Holocaust. Discuss the contribution of women's writing to our understanding of the Holocaust.
- Why would books be outlawed and destroyed during the Nazi regime?
- Find summaries of translations of three titles in German post-war literature that deal with Nazi-oppression.
- Read one of the titles and discuss differing views on German post-war reflection and collective conscience.
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